

SIGNUP Meterological spring but don’t be caught out by fluctuating temperatures and cold soils by sowing small precious seeds too soon. Now is the time to warm the soil with a sheet of old black plastic or pane of glass, chit tatti ...


Getting started

There's a lot to think through when taking on a protected growing space. These tips, ideas and reflections are gleaned from community growers across Scotland in a range of settings to help you navigate the ‘unknowns. There will be more to share, so if you ...

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Fairlie growing tips

PLANNING TO GROW A growing plan is needed for winter planting. Think about what you would like to grow. Seeds need to be planted in August or early September at the latest. The daylight hours start to go down in September, and soil temperature starts to ...

Fairlie tunnel tales

Fairlie Tunnel Tale

Nancy Maqueen from Fairlie Organic Growers makes the case for tunnel growing. Organic Growers of Fairlie (Ayrshire) started growing outdoor veg in raised beds on a coastal brownfield site in 2008 with less than 20 members. Membership quickly increased whe ...