Local food for everyone- Forum consultation response

In case you missed it, the Scottish Government recently ran a consultation on our experience, aspiration and contributions to a more local food system.  The Forum responded on behalf of people growing in communities. 

In a nutshell, our response highlighted this:

  • Local food can be a central pillar in creating happier, healthier and more resilient local communities.
  • We see the involvement of communities in growing, sharing, eating and distributing food as an essential indicator of success in any local food system.
  • A strong grassroots base exists across Scotland undertaking inspiring and essential work in their communities based on trust, hope and shared endeavour.
  • Their work is cross- sectoral and cost- effective delivering multiple benefits in the communities they serve.
  • Many community growing spaces played essential roles in the pandemic response, this was made possible through relationships and trust already built through local food connections.
  • These grassroots and cost- effective approaches need to be adequately resourced over time, current funding streams often make the sector inefficient and unable to focus.
  • More focus needs to made of the essential connection between our food system and the nature and climate emergency. Every local food strategy needs to place healthy soil and growing with nature at its heart
  • The Community Growing Forum Scotland, representing many 1000’s of communities and people across Scotland,  has the objectives to see these solutions and opportunities appropriately connected, resourced and widely replicated so that every community in Scotland has access to sustainable and thriving places to grow and connect with food on their own terms. 
  • The Forum’s vision is for all citizens or communities who want to, to have access and skills for growing food and taking care of nature in their local area. It is therefore fundamental that we can identify and secure appropriate land and resources  to do so.