Get Growing


People and projects across Scotland are building community through growing food, gardening, and other nature activities in their local area. 

Growing sites, groups and projects across Scotland may differ, we also have much in common, much to celebrate in our collective effort, and plenty to share and learn. Land, volunteers, skills, plants and other resources come together in our sites providing places for growing, well-being, and learning for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Get Growing Scotland is an information hub for communities starting and looking to sustain and develop their activities – to flourish. If you need help to get and keep growing, contact us.

Regenerate your site’s soil.

Looking to secure land to grow together? Contact Social Farms and Gardens’ free Community Land Advisory Service:


Funding for growing and green spaces? Sign up for the greenspace scotland bulletin for funding sources.

Grow 6 Growing tips supporting people and community groups to develop skills, confidence and connections to get growing food everywhere across Scotland.


How can we grow more in our settings? See Grow More Food section for support and guidance and please share your learning with us so that others might benefit too.

Plan to grow with nature and for climate action.

Reach out to others or share your story – we’d love to hear from you