GetGrowing Scotland


Why sprouts?

No soil, pots or outdoor growing space is required! Bean sprouts are quite simply the easiest way to get and keep growing year-round for something fresh and nutritious to eat every day.  The perfect ‘crop’ for winter when finding something nutritious and fresh can be more of a challenge. You may have a range of ‘seeds’ lentils, chickpeas, and mung beans (all common favourites) in a kitchen cupboard, but have you ever considered sprouting them?

Sprouts do require a sterile jar, daily rinsing and a bit of initial trial and error but, once you’ve cracked it there is so much you can sprout.


On a windowsill and then a cool, dark cupboard . 


All year.

Typically from seed to sprout takes 3-5 days.

Growing tips

Try sprouting anything and see what happens.

Make sure the ‘seed” is really well-washed and free of grit before you soak it in a clean, sterile jar.

Take one tablespoon of seed and soak overnight in 3 tablespoons of warm water.

Place rinsed and well drained seeds in jar with a light cloth over the top, in a dark cupboard, upside down so that the sprouts never sit in water. 

Rinse and drain sprouts twice a day until the sprout is big enough to eat. Sprouts can be kept in the fridge for up to 3 days before eating.  

Sprouts can be eaten raw or used in stir fries. 

N.B Bacterial growth is a minor risk when sprouting so ensure utensils used for sprouting are clean and sprouts are rinsed and drained well every 6 hours.

Every growing space and every season is different and changes how we grow. Grow 6 is a place to start to practice and learn how to grow and adapt to these changes. Along with supporting new growers through regular updates, your tips and experiences are welcome as we all ‘Get Growing