Community Learning Exchange reopens
The Community Learning Exchange reopens for applications 2021/2022
At this time of year in our growing settings we tend, coax and feed our crops so that they bear more fruit. In essence the Community Learning Exchange does just that- it acknowledges that in order to nourish and sustain community led growth some cross pollination and a sprinkling of nourishment is required. So, in between watering, weeding, liquid feeding and harvesting you might just take the time to collectively reflect on where or what next next for your group?
The Community Learning Exchange offers an excellent opportunity to community growers and allotment groups to explore and develop new ideas and sustainable ways of working. Countless groups over the years have met to share and reflect on best practice development in their settings and our network is undoubtedly stronger, wiser and better connected as a result. Practical examples include: groups seeking support to design and build a community growing space on a budget, to allotment growers seeking support with establishing communal composting facilities. Groups have also sought support on ‘practice development’ such as sustainable approaches to finance and running youth volunteer programmes. With over 15 years of grassroots development there is now a wealth of experience amongst growers of all kinds and this fund recognises that. So, if you are starting out, in stages of a new development or seeking ideas to sustain your group you may well find inspiration or sage advice from others within the network.
With support from Scottish Government this well established fund has reopened and can combine either face to face visits where necessary or an opportunity to meet virtually read more here. All applications require endorsement so if you’d like to develop your idea and submit an application we’d love to help, contact the Community Growing Forum: