Bucking the trend

Tullibody Community Garden is a small, friendly organisation entirely run by volunteers. We aim to promote health and wellbeing – of people, and the planet. We do this through:
- Growing and cooking fruit, vegetables and flowers using organic methods – and getting others growing and cooking too.
- Selling produce at affordable prices.
- Providing a space for people to relax in, and wildlife to thrive.
Opening again after COVID, we ran a big awareness/volunteer recruitment campaign to get more local people involved in Garden activities. Rather than the usual ‘we’re looking for volunteers’ approach, we focussed on the benefits to people. Posting flyers to every household in the Tullibody area proved to be a particularly effective part of our publicity. We kicked off in spring 2022 with 2 ‘Taster’ planting and socialising events. People found out how to get more involved in what we do.
The results? Where many organisations have seen a drop-off in volunteer numbers post-COVID, we increased our gardening Volunteer and Member numbers by 17 and 9 respectively. It’s not just the numbers that are important – but the enthusiasm, friendship and learning that’s going on. The garden is buzzing again!