GetGrowing Scotland

Grassroots to


Growing in our communities provides solutions to address a number of issues and opportunities and is connected to a wide range of local, regional and national government policies and outcomes.

Understanding our role in the local, regional and national landscape will help us to connect with partners and policy opportunities, where we can extend our reach and influence, grow and thrive and help drive wider system change so that everyone can benefit from growing with nature, accessing fresh local food and taking climate action on our doorsteps.

Consider reaching out to demonstrate the positive impact your actions and activities have both locally in your community and also regionally, nationally and globally. Through making connections, our network becomes stronger and energised and supported when we need it. 

There can be a lot to consider, this approach may help:


Partners examples include; Schools, health services, housing providers, local business, community councils, local councillors and MSPs.


Partner examples include; other growing sites, health and other networks, climate hubs.

See your Local Authority Food Growing or related strategy, have a look at your Local Development Plan.


Anyone who grows, particularly when it is with and for nature, is contributing to the Scottish Government’s national outcomes that we share as citizens, from health to biodiversity and net-zero targets.  

Get Growing Scotland advocates to the government for growing in the community and other supportive policies that support local food solutions. You can respond to policy consultations yourself or share your experiences and ideas, and we will feed these into our policy responses. 

Local Place Planning

Designed to support communities to take a more active role in evaluating and shaping their local area. If you are a growing group with experience in Local Place Planning we’d love to hear from you.

Food Growing Strategies

Part 9 of The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015  places a duty on all local authorities to publish a local authority food growing strategy. These can offer an excellent opportunity for growing groups and local authorities to work in partnership to achieve mutual outcomes.


National Performance Framework

Growing in our communities offers community led, and creative and cost effective support for multiple government outcomes. 

Share your story

Many of you are already working with partners mentioned above, if you have a partnership story you would like to share to inspire and support others do let us know.

If you’d like support to participate in any one of the opportunities mentioned above, do make contact, we are happy to help.